that e tape will make consumers dumber and lazier. measuring skills is a necessary skill.
17 ADS!! Fuck this shit I’m out
I want the shoes with the shole. How can i get a set for myself?
Fidget cube?? Are you actually kidding me!! Anyone who uses a fidget cube these days gets made fun of you idiot
Way to go with your half assed video
Im sorry but most of these tech ideas were already thought of by the Americans. The only reason why its wasnt on the market for all back in the 90s was becasue of its price. But the idea and the tech was all thought of by the Americans. Take a look at Bill Gates house in Seattle. Almost of all the tech is there.
Damn, we are some lazy bastards in 2018…
16 Ads in a 16min Video???
The state of them Shoes/trainers….They look terrible…My dog wouldn't chew them!
your videos same like mine ..just watch and let me know
what is the first one called
number 8 can afford aircondition has an imac???
I would like to know where I can purchase the geyser and how much it cost. In the United States.
1 Ad for each minute….
This is just an advertisement for crap that nobody would invest in on Kickstarter. #notcoolandnotfooled.
that bear was adorable and awesome and the phree pen omg i want and the last one i want
Exist mass pig terrible bill block expert capable Congress.
I like the life straw
Too many ads what an asshole, this is unnecessary
So many useless gadgets.People don't know how to live anymore. They need gadgets. Sad.
Bearbot ka price
Those shoes ugly bro
that e tape will make consumers dumber and lazier. measuring skills is a necessary skill.
17 ADS!! Fuck this shit I’m out
I want the shoes with the shole. How can i get a set for myself?
Fidget cube?? Are you actually kidding me!! Anyone who uses a fidget cube these days gets made fun of you idiot
Way to go with your half assed video
Im sorry but most of these tech ideas were already thought of by the Americans. The only reason why its wasnt on the market for all back in the 90s was becasue of its price. But the idea and the tech was all thought of by the Americans. Take a look at Bill Gates house in Seattle. Almost of all the tech is there.
Damn, we are some lazy bastards in 2018…
16 Ads in a 16min Video???
The state of them Shoes/trainers….They look terrible…My dog wouldn't chew them!
your videos same like mine ..just watch and let me know
what is the first one called
number 8 can afford aircondition has an imac???
I would like to know where I can purchase the geyser and how much it cost. In the United States.
1 Ad for each minute….
This is just an advertisement for crap that nobody would invest in on Kickstarter. #notcoolandnotfooled.
that bear was adorable and awesome and the phree pen omg i want and the last one i want
Exist mass pig terrible bill block expert capable Congress.
I like the life straw
Too many ads what an asshole, this is unnecessary
So many useless gadgets.People don't know how to live anymore. They need gadgets. Sad.
so many ads you can't watch the video (;