The intro to the Ready Player One Oasis BETA in Virtual Reality game on HTC vive. More Oasis VR andReady Player One Videos ▻…
I wish you could upload videos of VR games in 360 from a third person cameras perspective on the player
the Ready player 1 headset that the people use in the movie is what i imagine the later builds of the standalone vr headsets will become
Quite sad this won't be on the oculus. I'm quite upset to be completely honest lol
You forgot to mention the book…
you need to wear a vr headset inside vr?
Oasis BETA Intro – Ready Player One (HTC VIVE Virtual Reality)
Hope this comes out on ps vr
Imax 3d is the better choice
remember vr hasn't been out for a long time really so vr is just going to get better and better.
I hate that movement frigging just make a Omni directional movement pad its not that hard i can make blueprints for it in 10 minutes
Where's vid 2
is this on steam or only available through viveport? I uninstalled viveport because of all the processes it runs. Don't want to have to install it just for this 🙁 I can't see it on steam
You know it's a book too right??
This will be cool if the hand not shown in shadow white color
Can you plat iT in Oculus Rift – Virtuele realiteit headset?
Dear God my body is ready loved the movie and pun intended let’s go please bring to psvr
you should use the omnidirectional treadmill XD
Tell me the name for this intro music on this video please! ❤ i love this version of take on me pleasee tell me
U gonna get ur hands on one of those omni directional treadmils that they use in the movie, they're gonna be for sale soonish i think
Let's make the oasis in vr chat
I desperately want to get my own Vive, but I don't know if it would be worth it for me because my PC is not the most powerful. I have a 1060 6GB and an i5 6600k. Do you think this setup would be sufficient for me to spend hundreds of dollars on a Vive? I would upgrade my gpu, but with the recent rise in prices there's no way I'm going to find a good deal.
In R.P.O, if you look carefully at one of the street scenes, you can see a HTC Vive.
Do you have to use profanity it is empty try vocabulary slang is not curse words f should stand for facebook
A real movement system will be needed
Lmao my samsung phone can do almost all the same shit ?
We want ready player one technology not the game itself
Katwalk mini + htc vive pro + Tesla suit = PERFECTION
Get a VR treadmill and some tracking gloves….
머리를 하도 흔들어대서 보는 사람이 더 어지럽겠네.. 방송할땐 머리 좀 천천히 움직이는게 좋겠어.
Oh whaaaa this looks amazing! I wanna live in the oasis!
Will this be ported to the next big VR console
You put a headset on with a headset on , headseption
Ready Player Two Update
The closest thing we have is VRchat
I wish you could upload videos of VR games in 360 from a third person cameras perspective on the player
the Ready player 1 headset that the people use in the movie is what i imagine the later builds of the standalone vr headsets will become
Quite sad this won't be on the oculus. I'm quite upset to be completely honest lol
You forgot to mention the book…
you need to wear a vr headset inside vr?
Oasis BETA Intro – Ready Player One (HTC VIVE Virtual Reality)
Hope this comes out on ps vr
Imax 3d is the better choice
remember vr hasn't been out for a long time really so vr is just going to get better and better.
I hate that movement frigging just make a Omni directional movement pad its not that hard i can make blueprints for it in 10 minutes
Where's vid 2
is this on steam or only available through viveport? I uninstalled viveport because of all the processes it runs. Don't want to have to install it just for this 🙁 I can't see it on steam
You know it's a book too right??
This will be cool if the hand not shown in shadow white color
Can you plat iT in Oculus Rift – Virtuele realiteit headset?
Dear God my body is ready loved the movie and pun intended let’s go please bring to psvr
you should use the omnidirectional treadmill XD
Tell me the name for this intro music on this video please! ❤ i love this version of take on me pleasee tell me
U gonna get ur hands on one of those omni directional treadmils that they use in the movie, they're gonna be for sale soonish i think
Let's make the oasis in vr chat
I desperately want to get my own Vive, but I don't know if it would be worth it for me because my PC is not the most powerful. I have a 1060 6GB and an i5 6600k. Do you think this setup would be sufficient for me to spend hundreds of dollars on a Vive? I would upgrade my gpu, but with the recent rise in prices there's no way I'm going to find a good deal.
In R.P.O, if you look carefully at one of the street scenes, you can see a HTC Vive.
Do you have to use profanity it is empty try vocabulary slang is not curse words f should stand for facebook
A real movement system will be needed
Lmao my samsung phone can do almost all the same shit ?
We want ready player one technology not the game itself
Katwalk mini + htc vive pro + Tesla suit = PERFECTION
Get a VR treadmill and some tracking gloves….
머리를 하도 흔들어대서 보는 사람이 더 어지럽겠네..
방송할땐 머리 좀 천천히 움직이는게 좋겠어.
Oh whaaaa this looks amazing! I wanna live in the oasis!
Will this be ported to the next big VR console
You put a headset on with a headset on , headseption