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About the Author: Crypto News With Matt Beasley


  1. Thank you @cryptonewsMatt..Excellent show..The First report is a Buy signal report to the wealthy, high lighting activity plus low prices as well as the coins to be interested in. The J.Yelland story shouldn't be believed a she worked for a private company(fact) named the federal reserve whom get 1ct on every dollar printed and transactions international dollars(follow the money). Worse yet the only true legal tender is the coins all dollar notes are not actual legal currency-as it was introduced through the back door over a christmas period(look it up amazing fact or ask Max Keiser-Or interview him). Use coins only if you can;-)Silver dollars, quarts and dimes. Interesting her report comes out at the same time the organisations she participated in regulating (not) are setting up Crypto portfolios, exchanges and custodial systems world wide-See bank of Engalnds Governors report earlier this year for the exact locations and steps. The Speech/Report is called, "New economy,New Finance, New Bank.. (connecting the dots.). Remember he is ex-Goldmansachs is there is such a thing.

  2. Yeah the crypto market has lost all momentum. I am holding on to a few positions just for the hell of it and whatever happens happens. I may buy a couple more things for the hell of it but who knows. Here is my opinion on what fucked the markets up. ICOs. Everyone and their mother had a project. Regulators noticed that shit and the clampdown began. I do not think crypto is dead. But those early day 1 million percent gains and newly minted hundredthousand/millionaire almost overnight are over. In my opinion invest in a few stable coins and sit on them for the long haul.

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