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About the Author: Mrwhosetheboss


  1. Mrwhosetheboss is awesome nice video dude I would appreciate it if you went over to my channel and view my videos pls thank you

  2. It wasn't the Play Store that put it there, it was the user installing the bad app. Sure, Google needs to improve the scanning of the apps going on the store, but it's a bit misleading.

  3. Google should stricten its rules, before allowing a developer to put his/her app on playstore. Take notes from IOS Google.

  4. Lol i think a malware app is the one witch has exploits and make itself a system app. You mention about some shit game witch are not malware if you can unistall it. Always pay attention to app's permission and dont grant the ones who dont like. I wish Google allow users to block app's wifi acces as well.

  5. Omg! This happened to me I've dowlaoded few apps. And my battery got so heated up. And there's a time. When I dowlaod the app and the icon is not. There

  6. I think I have this virus on my galaxy s8
    My phone is always overheating and lagging even in the ui
    Even when I’m on my home screen doing nothing it’s hot as hell
    How do I get rid of it without resetting it?

  7. that's why i suggest some people to just use iphone……some people just download random app and accepted every permission that ask without question it, and forgot about it lol

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