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About the Author: IGN


  1. First of all in your video title where you have "a AAA" it post to be "an AAA". My OCD (I actually have OCD) saw it and just want to let you know.

  2. I’m getting all three, collectors edition. Except for “new dawn” since it doesn’t have one, but I got the one for far cry 5 so I guess it works out. But I’ve always been a fan of metro and its world and the amount of authenticity.

  3. People complaining about steam? It’s going to be the same experience either way. Stop crying wolf and actually protest against something worth protesting.

  4. Was advertised and available for preorder for a few months on Steam store. Logged in and saw it did a bait and switch deceptive marketing tactic. I guess this is modern age gaming where the little man means nothing to greedy companies. I'm no longer supporting this game.

  5. I don’t get why everyone here is hating on the fact the game will be Epic Store exclusive. Seems like they want Steam to become a monopoly that ends up screwing their clients for profit

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