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About the Author: Node


  1. What Boneworks is trying to do, and doing, is what Half Life 2 tried and did all those years ago.

    The physics, the feedback through VR (which no VR game has nailed to the point it's natural, till now)…Boneworks is obliterating the entire VR genre.
    I mean the mutated headsets D is killing here are clearly inspired by the headcrabs in Half Life.

    What Brandon and the rest of Stress Level Zero are doing…wow.
    I'm beyond impressed. This game will dominate the genre and has set the bar to a completely new level.
    Hats off to you gentlemen, bravo!!

  2. Honestly, part of the reason im gonna buy a vr headset soon is because of this. When I first started gaming I started with HL2 and garrys mod and the source engine. Endless hours of just pure sandbox and physics fun. To me it looks like this is the source engine of VR.

    Jump a couple of years into time, boneworks has been released for a while, other developers can buy the engine license and make new VR games with much higher quality than what we have right now. This game, or engine is an enabler of the future market of VR. Can't wait. Don't drop the ball stress level zero. this is it. Your other games are good and special, but this is THE game StressLevelZero will be remembered by.

  3. It would be really cool if you could just rip the limbs off of the enemies or disassemble them completely. Same with guns; so that you can upgrade guns and also disassemble them. Or even a crafting system.

  4. wait nobody out here remembering vghs which almost all of node use to be a part of due to rocketjump the reason i say this is the two golden guns from the law

  5. VR done right in almost every imaginable way, from the combat mechanics, to the environment, the lighting, and full storyline with longevity giving you rules but allowing you play in whatever play style you want.

  6. This is littery what I would expect Valve to put out as Half Life VR, but they're a multimillion company and you are a relatively small team of developers. Good job, keep up the good work!

    PLOT TWIST: Boneworks secretly is Half Life VR (notice the headcrabs and crow bar)

  7. What it boneworks had a “level-up” system where you could increase a few “stats” over time? Like strength to increase the forces applied by your limbs or “network authority” that would let you spawn in items. I don’t think that’s what they’ll end up going for here, but it’d be something cool to see in vr at some point I think

  8. Honestly I'm just glad it doesn't look like trying to defend yourself when you're having a nightmare.. You know? Trying to run but feeling sluggish, or trying to punch at something, but like 0 power if you connect, or, just your actions are slow compared to everything else, and that lack of speed affects whatever you try to do :L

    I really like that this game, with all it's stuff, doesn't appear that way, too bad its gonna be a long time before i can get a PC good enough to play this, I'd pre-order the shit out of this, probably for me, and as gift codes for people, cause dam!

  9. Unfortunately, Brandon made the sound of killing them almost cute and animal like. So I do feel bad watching you guys torture them like that…

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