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About the Author: IGN


  1. Cersei is the main villain, not the night king. They weren’t supposed to have a back story, they’re intended to be a mystery. They were eventually going to be defeated, now our attention shifts to the true threat.

  2. 2 of the biggest and strongest armies died last night, almost completely wiped out. Looks like there is about 200 people left in Winterfell and only about 20 can fight. People bitching about main characters not dying or the night king getting killed "easily" need to chill. Most of the North got destroyed to defeat the dead. Some people are upset because the battle didn't turn out the way they wanted. Sorry your theories didn't work out.

  3. Bran is going to root himself into the tree at winterfell, that way there will always be a stark in winterfell

    Arya will be the new spy master taking varys old job

    Dany and Jon will end up taking over the kingdoms together

    Cercei will bomb kingslanding destroying the throne. Probably retreating to her old home where she was raised.

    Tyrion will probably die

    Jamie will probably die trying to stop cercei, most likely he'll be killed by euron

    Mountain and hound will probably kill each other

    Breanne will be the new commanders of the king's guard

    Those are my predictions

  4. Am I the only who feels they killed the night king to soon and we didn’t get all the answers we’ve been waiting for since we first saw him I feel like he had no motive he didn’t say a single thing what did all those signs he would mean and I feel like John should of been the one to kill the night king with a more dramatic moment then aria just stabbing him once

  5. Again…..
    How do you go from here??
    Jon Snow & The Night King knew each other and all that build up to Arya killing him.
    I'm not mad just disappointed.

  6. Why you guys hate bran so much! Just Remember this is the world of asoiaf and once we hated Jammie and Theon too!!! Just enjoy the show and let the poor boy reveal his side

  7. episode felt rushed the night kings death was just like that wooo a cool knife drop trick they should haved just went with the jon and night king one on one fight cliche instead and why didn't they used wild fire instead

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