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About the Author: MITK12Videos


  1. Ay? no entiendo nada ? pero quiero hacer vr. Alguien sabe de algún tutorial o página donde encuentre más información. Quiero saber sobre el paso a paso del vr. GRACIAS ?

  2. If you want to learn more about virtual reality, I've written a book called "What is Virtual Reality" with interviews with all the top experts in the field. Check it out if you're interested in this exciting field.

  3. There is more to the creation of 3D in one's brain than you explain. The brain uses other key factors as well. One is the fact that objects which are close move faster than objects which are far away as angles change.. Another is focus on the fovia. All of these factors and others create 3D immersion. The "separation" 3D found in today's VR HMD's is good, but needs continued improvement. Oculus is working very hard to improve these other factors and recently filed a patent on one of them which they claim to be significant and intend to incorporate in the future. Hey, you're MIT…. know the facts !

  4. On PlayStation VR, I must squint my eyes to look at near objects and unsquint them to focus on far ones. No one on the whole internet seems to have noticed that and it seems impossible to find a single explaination on how the heck that is made possible! Is google censuring psvr?

  5. Ahh I was wondering how my vr headset games had such depth to them in such a little box. So our brain creates a sense of depth by how off-set the two independent images recieved by our eyes are ..that is very interesting and clears alot of things up so thanks! 🙂

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