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About the Author: Janis Andersons


  1. You know what would make this sport so much more badass? If they added small launchers fitted with plastic or small rock pebbles. There are a few moments when the drones are side by side, or right behind one another. Imagine how much cooler it would be if you could shoot down your opponents by hitting their propellers with plastic or rocks from your own drone.

  2. I want direct items and non or this wishy washy.. could may or has info about the drones.. I get make from ground up like formula one = perfection… but for that race why didnt anyone flip the giant hill climb and cause a stop with angle like many manuvers I see people do.. this raise float and.forward move was for pro standards lame… but great to watch.. loved it addicted and ready

  3. This doesn't even come close to the Drone Racing League. You put a lot of money into the awards but you are just racing around a soccer field…lame…

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