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About the Author: iListen


  1. Becoming homeschooled just a few years ago and becoming a shut-in who's too anti-social to talk to anybody online is my biggest regret.

  2. My regret is leaving the gym because now I want to go to the military and I could be already fit to join and now the work is going to be harder

  3. One of my biggest regrets is not managing my money well when i was younger and started working. i could've had a lot more money saved now if i would've had more discipline but it took me 4 yrs to finally educate myself on finance and manage my money better. Im 25 now.. and NOW im starting to save money properly.. and it just worries me because i know im not getting any younger.. and eventually i'd like to get my life together, move out, just be a responsible adult.. i worry about my future a lot. im scared of failing as a person.

  4. you know when u feel bad about your life and then u realized that theres alot people having a worst life than your somehow make you feel better but also sad….

    and for that 2nd last guy who want to skip all thing yeah i know that feeling its tired like really2 tired with life but still wanna continue live to see someone we love live with their happy life..this hurt so bad…idk but just go keep on living cuz theres a lot of happy and good stuff we all will found out in future probably

  5. Mine is dropping out of school all of my "Friends" stopped talking to me because they didn't want to be seen hanging out with a "dropout". In all honestly i feel like they weren't really my friends even tho i truly felt they where. I always got left out of alot of stuff they planned … Now im 18 and all i do every day is work a job that i dont really like then just head back home a either go to sleep or play video games … Now i just repeat that every single day.. I just feel like heading to gsb and just junping of it but im scared not of dying but of what my family will think about me … They never really had high hopes of me so they wouldn't really care if i would kms …

  6. U shouldnโ€™t subtitle peopleโ€™s stuttering, itโ€™s pointless just put the word once that they were attempting to say but cool vid not trying to hate

  7. The last one really hit me hard, I mean I'm not trying to be negative but I hate being alive too, if I'm so useless towards my people around me and do nothing that change anything, I would rather die and forgotten

  8. I regret losing my best friend from middle school knowing I could have fixed stuff instead I made it worse and now I think of how that friendship would have been now but I now I canโ€™t do nothing.

  9. I have soooo many regrets that idk what would be my worst. I have so many things I could have done to save myself so much pain if I hadnt been so stupid

  10. Can I be on one of your next vrchat videos? Any question i'll answer and I appreciate your content iListen, would be cool to listen to you too?

  11. My biggest regret is not leaving an ex-friend sooner.
    Sometimes he would get mad and I would put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. In response, he would grab my hand and twist my wrist *hard*. Every single time. Eventually I realized that that's probably not good for my mental health and left.
    The thing is, I should've left when he purposefully insulted my transgender friend's gender identity. He used the wrong pronouns for her and said that "Until I see tits, she is a he". I don't believe in that stuff and should've left sooner for my friend.

  12. I feel like I'm gonna have a lot of regrets after I leave highschool, like not being a part of certain things, but as of right now, I think i'm pretty happy with myself. Maybe uhh.. yeah my biggest regret would probably be when I was a uh… sorta cam-boy when I was a few years younger. I look back in disgust, it scarred me mentally in quite a few ways.

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