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About the Author: IGN


  1. Your guys point about the map is silly. There’s over 70 maps that play traditionally the idea is to switch it up and be different you don’t always have to play that map it’s there to switch things up

  2. Hes a really dope character. The only problem is his recovery, none of his moves snap ledge making it easy to get punished if you manage not killing yourself first with an accidental back special away from the stage

  3. Terry is my favorite DLC charac up to date but one thing I will say all of them feel very different from each other and the current roster. Sakurai really killed it!

  4. Best Dlc character in Smash the legendary wolf Terry Bogard. Im so glad to see Rock Howard at least doing cameo in the background wow i never imagine to see Terry or Rock in smash. A dream come true. Waiting for The King of Fighters 15. SNK the future is now.

  5. I bet against Terry every single time in every type of match on spectate. I’m not kidding when I say he lost every single time. I’m now rolling in points.

  6. The only thing about Terry I have an issue is, is that his voice seems a little off. His 'hey c'mon c'mon' tauntvjust doesn't have that oomf

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