Mining 3,000,000 Bitcoin in 2 seconds

Clip from Lew Later (Episode – Your iPhone Camera Might Be Compromised) –


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About the Author: LaterClips


  1. Mining is just the processing of transactions…All this would do is make bitcoin transactions have no wait time make it more real time and useable then current banking.. only down side is that transaction follow the path of lest resistance making quantum computer owners the bitcoin network infrastructure

  2. Quantum computing is basically a non issue for the Bitcoin Network.

    The threat described here is assuming the appropriate level of quantum computing exists today, and would attack the network, today. That's not the case.

    Bitcoin can (and will) fork to Quantum resistant cryptography when timing is relevant.

    Not to mention, any unlikely (practically impossible) attack of this type, today, would prompt consensus to act accordingly.

    Totally worth speculating and discussing, but so is the advent of killer robots. They will exist, we just have to be prepared

  3. Quantum computer process 1,0 at a same time sooo it is easy but now that much easy to mine 3000000 bit coins per 2 sec no that's impossible…. ya but quantum computer can mine way better than normal computers….
    But still mining is not a joke for any computer wether its Quantum computer or normal computer….

  4. The amount of qubits needed to do this is in the thousands. Googles quantum computer if im not mistaken is somewhere in the double digits still.

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  6. Anthony Essaye  bitcoin code will not stay as it now there will be another fork in future to adjust to quantum computers mining bitcoin also there is right now other cryptos than bitcoin which are quantum resistant i think iota is one of them this problem should not be addressed like this any way our world specially the internet can't simply function without cryptography so somehow people will always find away to cryptograph things and bitcoin would just take this ways and make them harder for supercomputers quantum or not and heres mining goes again with difficulty adjustment for any technological advancement
    Gold simply won't be our currency in the era of AI , iot , wearable tech and robotics it won't fucnction and imagine the world transfering value over multiple centralized digital currencies it won't work
    Bitcoin or something similar will be our currency some point in the near future

  7. even if the system took over BTC mining and had the overwhelming hash of all the miners on the planet, the payout is not even 3,000,000 in 2 seconds.

  8. It would crash the bitcoin network due to an inability to redistribute the updated ledger that has then been quantified and adjusted by the Computer, Unless there are multiple quantum computers As there needs to be a consensus As more than one computer must agree on the outcome of the equation. It would also mean a complete dominance of the bit coin ledger

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