TOP 6: Best Budget Smartphones 2019

Best 6 Budget Smartphones 2019 1. Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 – 2. Motorola Moto G7 – 3. Xiaomi Mi 9 …


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About the Author: TheTechMag


  1. I am looking for a phone that is cheep. I have a poor family so im saving up to buy my own phone! I cant really see how good the phones are cause of my broken phone ??

  2. is phone destroyer pretty good on the moto g7?

    its laggy on my s4 and plays okay on my s7. (i can make the framerate drop tho, if i summon hella gizmo ikes+mrHankey+regenerate)

    i know my friends iphone loads the menus n shit hella quick… but he paid $1000 for that…

    just lookin for budget recommendations, that are equal or better than the s7.
    (battery life sucks, only a couple hours, and itll restart randomly if battery gets below 25%)

  3. The V series is definitely not a budget smartphone is a flagship smartphone but you can get one for like $300 new where the v30 about 1/2 that and it's a straight-up deal… but two year old Flagship is better than any new budget phone word especially LG's

  4. I'd rather have yesteryears flagships than budget phones coz people are already duped into buying phones each that very they forget about the powerhouses left behind!

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