These VR Guns Feel Real! – Boneworks Full Game pt. 2

virtualreality #boneworks #halflife Watch the rest of the Boneworks playthrough here! out Boneworks on Steam, out now …


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About the Author: Cerberusarms


  1. I kinda wish they'd made the reloading a little more tricky. In Onward there's almost a level of panic about reloading which ensures you have to plan your next move and count your shots a little more

  2. One thing that surprised/disappointed me about the game was the lack of firearms. There are plenty of melee weapons but only a handful of guns. Overall it's an amazing package but I would love to see some more firearms added in future updates.

    I feel like the most of the dev time was focused on the core tech. Which is fantastic but now that it's out I am hoping to see more content updates/DLC. I am ok with paying for some good stuff considering the cheap launch price.

  3. 10:35 Was that bull body running away? From that melon boi thing? I had an idea, what if the game had a thing where if you saved an audience, other than the virus dudes, they would befriend you and fight along side you?

  4. You stated that the best way to proceed through the game or something like that is to climb but why didn't you try climbing any of the pipes at any point to get around obstacles like where you needed the battery there was a pipe on the building that you could've climbed to get over it and maybe find a secret who know's lol but I feel like you missed a lot of stuff and I really wanna see what's in one of those mystery boxes in the vending machines so try and get some and see if they give you anything good!

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