MOB ATTACKS ME IN VIRTUAL REALITY – Blades and Sorcery VR Mods (Update 7)

MOB ATTACKS ME IN VIRTUAL REALITY – Blades and Sorcery VR Mods (Update 7) I installed a new city map which was pretty interesting to see on Blade and …


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About the Author: Fudgy


  1. Where do you get all of your mods? I am getting the game, and I want to have a ton of fun. Also, are they free, or do you have to pay for the mods

  2. There’s aa new map called “fort of toth’’ i believe, and it’s a really nice map with nice music and alot more! Also there’s a “fisher’s pistol pack’’ it has four pistols. Can you download them please and do a video about it?

  3. Are you going to look at the new update on the outer rim mod?, it has the new Inquisitor lightsaber (spins too by holding A) and some new lightsabera

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