Top 10 Best Plumbing Tools 2021 for Plumbers

Here you can find 10 very useful plumbing tool, machines and accessories for Plumbers and DIYers. ○ Product LINKS: Check Price Here …


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About the Author: ZedIOptima


  1. Old tools, new looks … we're plumbers not 'runway walkers'
    Have owned and extendable spring loaded grab basin wrench for 20 years & that T handle likely becomes bore of a problem than it helps (also looks bulky
    PVC cutters for 30 years
    Pipe repair …. cool for emergencies … if I ever catch anyone leaving one in for long term , they won't be working for anybody I know
    Aww how cute the 'pick up stix' … damn man …we work on sewage lines …you think we can't grab a toilet by the rim
    THAT crimp tool has been around for years

  2. As I see the large shark bite fitting. I skipped the video, Right to the comment. What plumber will use that big fitting for the job.

  3. Basin wrench head has never and will never work on a basin tap. There simply isn't enough room around the tap nut to rotate the wrench. Better products are available

  4. Old tools been using these long ago and the basin spanner is way to big not very unique at all make you're work more difficult such a thick tool

  5. Feels like just of the innovations in plumbing america is way behind germany.

    Most of the inventions mentioned here is already out of the german market or has been worked with for years

  6. You are talking about 2020, number 10 I have for 40 years (made in Germany), number 5 I saw for the first time in 2001 from an English company HEP2O and number 7 is more for a hobby than for work.

  7. Except the fact that no plumber worth their money would use shark bite or the rapid leak fix except for a temporary fix in an emergency situation until it can be fixed the right way

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