Top 5 Real Flying Cars That Actually Fly | Futuristic Flying Car

Top 5 Real Flying Cars That Actually Fly * Thanks for Watching If You Like my Content Please please * Subscribe my channel :- * Hit Like …


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About the Author: ZedIOptima


  1. Eles poderiam usar alem do propulsor de movimento frontal a esse veiculo aéreo,eles poderiam também,usar mais quatro elétricos para decolagem ê pouso em vertical,quando não houvesse pista para decolagem horizontal. Sera que esses caras não enxergam que o problema é a falta de pista,ê não a de distancias. Quando acorre um engavetamento por exemplo,o que é que acontece? Isso mesmo. Como esse carro vai decolar em horizontal,se não haver uma pista pra ele criar velocidade para decolar? Seus cavaleiros de parque de diversões?

  2. You speak with a bit naive words about safety. It is admirable and important that safety are high on your list of achievements, but any craft that flies or is propelled off the ground faces a risk of crashing or colliding in the air with other object resulting in danger to the occupant. You overstate tge safety of Ehang 186, but I hope you are successful.

  3. 30 seconds in and you've said its the safest autonomous blah blah blah. On an aircraft that's been around so short a time that a goldfish hasn't even forgotten about it yet. BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHIT !
    3 & 2 are the only feasible ones on here.

  4. Zed Optima is a Chinese limb mincing death trap. Aside from severing heads and limbs with those those "brilliantly" designed open bladed props there's only 20 minutes flying time. ..aha…after that you're a flying brick. Yeah, there are hydrogen peroxide back up systems and ballistic parachutes but the first is tricky to use and ballistic parachutes are useless below 400 feet. And this thing will mostly fly around 400 feet. That's lovingly known as "dead man" zone. If even Kobe Bryant's multi mullion dollar chopper can crash, I can only imagine what will happen with this thing. To be safe in the air you need 1.5 times range reserve capacity to cover yourself. Airliners still have reserve fuel left when they approach the airport. But this contraption…. just 20 minutes and that's it. Within 20 minutes there are so many things that can go wrong you're dead meat before you know it. And with the world famous "Chinese quality" I shudder to think of the death toll….

  5. I'm waiting for the 2019 video version of uptodate flying cars. How are they doing? Are they on the market yet? How long will they just be experimental? Has anyone come up with a new type flying car besides these? The Ehang would work good for cargo for a bit until it proves it's safety record. I think the four wheel car with parachute is an excellent idea. It can take the weight and it seems to be an ideal car. Now someone might accidently knock the prop off. The short winged light white aircraft/car may work. It's according to how it's powered. The fourth one/ all I've seen is the animation for this vehicle, I have seen the actual vehicle build. Looks like plastic rotors and how in the world do you get out of it? Nice concept with using engine with batteries. Hybrids are the future, not battery power alone. The fifth and final…like it. Kind of an aircraft/ tilting motorcycle on steroids. Possibally a Helicopter/ motorcycle type. would hate if any of the rotors went out.

  6. C' mon, those are not really Flying cars !.. modified airplane perhaps but not quite flying cars. a real flying car will surely have some anti-gravity device and won''t have to rely on helicopter or airplane gliding devices.

  7. A flying car by definition should be something that is the shape and size of the average sedan, does not require wings or rotary blades for lift, does not require aerodynamic surfaces for stability, has vertical take off and landing capability . Jet engines or rockets for lift and propulsion is allowed as well as antigravity or field propulsion if those two technologies are ever realized. The latter two may be more ideal for use in urban areas since jets and rockets may be too noisy.

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