Halo Infinite Technical Preview – Gameplay on All Maps

Halo Infinite Technical Preview - Gameplay on All Maps

Taking a look at the Halo Infinite Beta, or Technical Preview weekend, and all of the maps available during the event. This includes the three 4 v 4 bot maps Live …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Tried to put together a collection of my better moments on each map, and my best firing range run. That footage, as a note, is 1080p because I play at a lower resolution on my main monitor to get 360hz uncapped. Granted I probably don't take advantage of all that, but it definitely makes a difference in my accuracy. I hope you like those grapple kills and enjoyed this and my preview this weekend! -Destin
    (Note: Preview Here if you missed it. tldr: Halo Game is Good Game. Me lIke to play) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWN8pIc_eZU&t=52s

  2. Not a fan of the talking AI and some of the dialogue. Immediate way to take me out of the immersion is: WE LOST A TEAMMATE!

  3. This looks fantastic, everything looks satisfying to use and sounds great. That AI talking though is going to get annoying real fast.

  4. Слишком много надо попадать в противника, очередями по три патрона. Выглядит бой тяжеловато, персонаж двигается неуклюже.

  5. Anyone notice how "off" the explosions look? Love everything else as a die hard halo fan but the explosion effects look a little 2D, little weak.

  6. In know now why Sony is number 1 And Microsoft last place in the world of vidéo game ?
    Looks cheap And very bad compare to 95 % exclus Sony ps4-ps5

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