Cloud9 Sneaky on his mentality throughout worlds 2018 | ESPN Esports

Cloud9 ADC Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi breaks down his mentality throughout the #Worlds2018 group stage and how he felt about being placed in the “group of …


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  1. LUL ESPN Esports. I remember a time when all of the old farts scoffed at "Esports." Now they've seen the money in it, and, to the dismay of many, they've realized that this is leading the future of entertainment. I don't play Fortnite (although I was really excited about it when it was announced as a survival tower defense'ish kinda game) mostly because it's community comprises of children and ex-CoD players, but I do respect it's importance in the gaming scene. Thank you for bringing more attention to the competitive gaming scene by making a game that's more accessible to "casual" gamers, Fortnite.

  2. IWD is a washed up douche that doesn't know anything about competitive League of Legends anymore its season 8 now, and he was never really that relevant in the first place when he did play Team Liquid got destroyed in playoffs with him on the roster because he was bad. If he thinks anyone good cares about his opinion he is Delusional. Last thought he hates it when people play other games and are still 200% better than him. RESULTS are my LOGIC HERE IWD STFU

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