Robert Gets To Test Out Virtual Reality On Shark Tank | CNBC Prime

Robert Gets To Test Out Virtual Reality On Shark Tank | CNBC Prime

Virtual video games have always had their physical limiations – until now. The Omni allows users to safely walk, run, crouch, and jump while playing virtual video …


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About the Author: CNBC Prime


  1. Either he did a bad job explaining or they edited it out but you already have to stand to play VR games. The only hang up I have is the shoes. If they could eliminate them or make them socks or something you could put on your shoes, it would be a lot more appealing.

  2. Ok, where can i buy one of these? These sharks are noobs like my uncle. He had a chance to get into the mobile phone business 30+ years ago and reason he didnt, he said if people want to make a phone call, they can go home and make that call and for that reason he is out. For 1k, i think its reasonably cheap when high end PCs alone can set you pack 3 to 4K and this isnt much more expensive than a PS5. Get this manufactured in CHina in bulk and we could be buying this for half the price.

  3. I tried this at my local mall here in Lahore, Pakistan. It certainly pulls in the crowds and can actually be quite a good workout. My bro and I played it together about 2 years back and when we finished there was a whole crowd around us. It used HTC headgear back then but here they seem to be using Oculus. Also, the graphics are much better in this presentation probably because they have improved it since. I didnt like the game that I got to play but if it was on something like a black ops or something and the a single run would help me sprint easily within the game, this can actually bring back ARCADE GAMING

  4. “50% of people are married so I’m out” might be in the top 5 idiotic things she’s said throughout this show and that’s tough for someone who speaks no sense every episode ?

  5. VR is a niche market right now, and this is a niche product within a niche market. There are better investments to generate immediate return. But definitely cool product.

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