Google Pixel 6 Pro Unboxing…

Here’s a quick Google Pixel 6 unboxing. ZEN Link: – ZEN is only available in Europe for the moment. Latercase Pixel 6 (and others) …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Pixel 1 & 2 $649 (64GB)
    Pixel 3 & 4 $799 (64GB)
    Pixel 5 $699 (128GB)
    Pixel 6 $599 (128GB)
    Upgrading the hardware and software yet lowering the price. Google has done it!

  2. So we'll have the storage options of 128gb and 256gb for both with the pro going as high as 512gb, but when will that 512 drop?? Pre-orders on Google's site and other carriers sites only have 128 and 256, so that's my main question.

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