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About the Author: IGN


  1. the problem with this game is in the difficulty. anything can be hard. but balance and a well done combat system are important. with the parry system being clunky and unintuitive and not having any rhythm in regards to how it shows the prompts during the enemies attacks, you're left to only one option… learn the attacks. so when you finally do beat them you don't come away feeling like you have mastered the parry system (because the attack patterns for the next enemy will be more jacked up from the last one) you feel like you just memorized that enemies patterns so well, they didn't have a chance against you. so you never really learn how to be intuitive and dynamic against enemies. the only "skill" to the game is in how well you know the opponents patterns. something that can only be achieved by multiple encounters and repetitious practice against them which doesn't translate to anything else in the game except that enemy type. it's difficult in the same way trying to conduct brain surgery while blindfolded with one hand cuffed behind your back. and equally pointless.

  2. I don't know if i trust this review because they stole a review before they just didn't play Katana Zero so give the game a try i loved it and my library on steam is just Souls and Souls like games

  3. Surge 2 is way better then 1 the level up system is better the enemies are way more balanced when the surge 1 they just ganked up to you with high dammage and the level variety is better the surge 1 was 90% only in a factory the rest in a side factory the bosses all take different strats with the multiple healthbarr phases surge 1 got a 4/10 for me and surge 2 a solid 8.5/10

  4. Both are great but to be honest, I like replaying the first one alot more for some reason. Kinda like Dark Souls. I replay the first one much more than the sequels. For whatever reason I still cant figure it out considered the sequels are far superior. Oh well, surge1 and dark souls1, prepare for another replay…!

  5. @2:40 -> same strategy for every boss, deflect at the right time, counter-attack, don't get 1-shotted in between….

    What a silly thing to say plaintively. Dark Souls 1/2/3, Code Vein, Sekiro, etc… all games basically built on exactly that system, but literally for all enemies not just bosses…..

  6. This game’s combat is horrible it like for honor but worse you have to time your party perfectly and still that won’t stop the enemy from hitting you so the best way is to just jump back hen hit again which is boring and sometimes still doesn’t work

  7. I want to get into this game but compared to the other games I am playing. This looks boring visually and the story is never mentioned by anyone I know that plays it. So sadly as cool as the gameplay looks. It's a hard pass.

  8. I really don’t agree with this review, 7.6! Really, In my opinion it definitely isn’t a 10 but I’d give it about a 9 Let me tell you why I rate it this, the story’s way better then the original the design and areas are so much better. The way the combat feels is so much smother then the original you feel like it’s not even connected to the first one. I can keep going on and on but that would be about 50 minutes of writing so I’m just gonna wrap it up and say IGN doesn’t do the best reviews but this my opinion not yours just saying how I feel about this game

  9. Love the whole throw you in a game and don't bother to tell you how to attack or block or perform evasive maneuvers properly. Not to mention the fact you need to know how to attack in different directions in order to kill the first boss about 2 minutes into the game. Nice, I love not knowing if direction attacks are keyboard based or mouse based

  10. So guys I need help I’m currently in the A.I.D command and I have gotten the force hook already but I’ve been kinda playing the game out of order and I haven’t gotten the emp yet so I can’t get out does anyone know how I can get out

  11. Ah yes, the small focus of the original game where they were experimenting with solutions of climate change like one guy changing humanity with robotics to the point that they'd be monsterous "evolutions" and would be able to survive, at the small cost of 9/10ths of the population. Or the super missile being shot into the air that would help climate change, but would slowly poison humanity over the years.

    Super small focused stuff, barely relevant.

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