PS5 'Game Pass:' Can It Compete with Xbox? – Next-Gen Console Watch

PS5 'Game Pass:' Can It Compete with Xbox? - Next-Gen Console Watch

Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch, our show following all the news and rumors on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Series S. I’m Daemon Hatfield, …


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  1. As long as it has no 1st party games day one, no Downloaded BC games, and no PC support it will be a dud except for the most hardcore PS fans.

  2. The short answer is NO. Game Pass is King and Sony can't compete with that library of games. Unless Sony is willing to put their exclusives day one onto their Game Pass service, it will always be inferior.

  3. Why would PlayStation make a service similar to Gamepass?

    For the past two years, PlayStation Twitter has constantly reminded us that they don’t play old games. All they play is $70 bangers. Oh and Xbox has no games.

    That’s been repeatedly tweeted. It’s been nauseating.

  4. PlayStation exclusive games are still mount Everest for everyone…. Xbox game pass ultimate is masterpiece and PlayStation still counting and people asking for best PS5 exclusive games

  5. Stop making everythng about gamepass. As a news source you are not being objective at all. Everything, everyday should not be an advertisment for Microsoft. You realize that you talk about it more than actual games?

  6. Honestly, it seems less like a competitor to GP and more like a way for Playstation to charge their user base for backwards compatibility. Which is a terrible idea considering the fact that back compat is free on Xbox and you can emulate retro games from other consoles on Xbox as well.

  7. Ryan still is looking like he is trying to tell you he is in a hostage situation with the constant stare with no emotion and constantly blinking his eyes.

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