Supercars Pulled over by British Police London Oxford Street

Mainly complaints by residents in Kensington and Chelsea.

This video is done to show the values that exisit in human minds today. Values that are fake and as unrealistic and untrue. All are seeking the same values thinking they have achieved something great and better than other, please know that your petty ambitions are not serving the humanity nor they will leave a impression on humanity.

There were 8 noisy supercars were spotted on Oxford Street and three of them got pulled by standing police officers.

Some are so concern and was in panic dash off the Lamborghini and two High performance Audi cars get stopped five others dodge

Three super cars were stopped by two British Police Officers for making excessive noise on Oxford Street opposite selfridges Department store London 2019/ Dec29

Police take action amid complaints about noisy supercars and dangerous driving in affluent London districts. area covering Sloane Street, Sloane Square and parts of Brompton Road and the King’s Road. If they fail to comply with the commands they face being arrested and their vehicles will be seized


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About the Author: Shiran De Silva


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