Which crypto can become the next Bitcoin? John Eagleton

Which crypto can become the next Bitcoin? John Eagleton

John Eagleton, CEO of Intellabridge, discusses with David Lin, anchor for Kitco News, the next protocol to gain critical mass …


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  1. Bit ponz scam tulip mania 2.0 digital illusions of wealth pushed by the system to make sure we are left holding a bag of nothing after the great reset

  2. People are so funny, bitcoin continue growing first they said its money for black market then governments gonna ban it now they're saying there's better crypto then bitcoin in my mind bitcoin be 1 million a coin then 2- 3 -4 -5 so on so forth and then people gonna say oh it's too late should have bought it when it was 20k

  3. XPR maybe, it's all 🌷, I like block chain but I think we will still work in government fiat or corporate fiat. I think crypto will be used as a better than credit card.

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