12 PlayStation VR Hidden Gems – Virtual Reality games worth playing

PlayStation VR Games Shown: Superhot VR Just in Time The American Dream Apollo 11 VR Drunkn Bar Fight Dead Secret …


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About the Author: MetalJesusRocks


  1. Links and video regarding Ant and Dec are just to show you how I enjoy MJR and AR as a team.
    I laugh when you start hosting… This is not by you but I creased up as a big fan of the show.. I'm 56 and clocked more arcade machines than what you have played.. NOT senile but I do like some fun… I hope you are still watching the video!!!!

  2. Hey John.. Thanks for Battlezone info and also Doom info in another video with MJR.. Don't know if you know about "Super Stardust Ultra VR".. Love the original game and have VR version in my hand before I have PSVR setup… There is a "Planet" mode that plays like Battlezone (1998 onwards)..
    Have a look here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQOElWfdZo4
    Invasion is a bonus for me!!

  3. Will be buying PSVR stuff for PS4 Pro very soon. Thanks for the videos you do. They help a lot with my game selection.
    Wish I'd have waited for your review of Diablo 2 Resurrected instead of pre purchasing way back in April. Plays exactly the same as the original version when using the Multires mod.. Bit disappointed really but bought as a bundle for £49.99 with Diablo 3 and add-ons so savings meant I got it for free.
    Won't make that mistake again tho!! lol

  4. sorry to insult but i cant listen to your mate for anymore than 2 minutes he speaks wayyy to fast it gives me major headache i put it on silent though and got afew tips on games to buy,,nice one ,

  5. I was tricked by Samsung into the whole gear line. The original gear VR was so bad that you could count the individual pixels. I got a rollercoaster game to work on it. Went over a hill and immediately blew chunks. Been into VR ever since.

  6. Hello those who use ps vr. I have a question that's running around my mind.
    When play ps vr games with move controllers, is teleporting the only way to move around the inside world of vr ? Cuze if it is it really sucks.

  7. no mans sky has got to be the best VR experience I have had yet. exploring planets and maning your ships was like having my dream of real life space travel realized. I get so giddy playing it lol

    EDIT: Your so right about the scale I was trying to explain it to my brother while playing no mans sky like we would both see a tree , but I can see how tall the tree actually is and how round and how robots and aliens where more ingeminating .

  8. The best way to know the difference between Astronomy and Astrology. N for Nature and L for Love (what most people get into astrology for is to get love and money advice right?) 😛

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