Mind Warehouse ▻ https://goo.gl/aeW8Sk 1) DJI Mic (Preview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_KYzRrNQ_0 2) Forearm …


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About the Author: TechZone


  1. None of these "amazing products" are interesting enough to warrant a video….. Amazon has millions of products – from hundreds of thousands of retailers – from all over the world….
    And you pick a cheap looking UFO Bluetooth speaker – Seriously?

  2. How about just don't eat in your car. All of that food smell gets trapped in your car, and when you drop food it stains the seats or gets lost between the seats and stays on the floorboard for a long time attracting bugs and also smells.

  3. Wow. For $130 dollars I can buy SEVEN tables from garage sales and USB chargers. Or, I can by a great table for $25, a great four-port charger for $15, and POCKET the resulting $90.

    As for the rest of Amazon's "gadgets," I'll take a HARD PASS on the basis of being WAY too ineffectual and WAY too expensive.

    TechZone: STOP peddling paid-for BULLSHIT.

  4. Zidane and is are 😁 with uffifinfdjdjdjdidjdiffkdifkfufjfififjfudjdifjfididkdidjfjfjfjdjfjfkkdjfjfjfkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkxkfjdjdjfjjddjjfjfjdkdkdkfkfjfjfjfjfhfufjfu3uu3 uu 💓 and 7th of I 6884urururirieujdjdudjfjjtidrikeiridididkfufkfkfififufujjhdjsudjfufjfjfufififjfisiduriifififiriirifufufufuŕifififkdkdjfksuduguhdifififififiducixodjjfjvubtodbyy7vifucivt7bufufuv6 rudufyvtfuufidididjdifufuifififififfifiifirififihsjfychvrfuduyfidyfyd7f5vydufuyfftuf5f6sudududufufufudufuufufufudycududjdudjdueididn't r jcjcjfjfufjfuuffuufufufufufuxjjxjcjcjdjdjdjdjdjfufududufudixidididiidididiifiididifigifigigififififujdifjfufkxjxkdkdkdkfkxjckckkckfkfjcjcjdkdkdkkdkckckvkvkvkckvkkdkckfofjfkcjcjckfjcjcjvjvjkfkckckfkfkkfkfkfkfkfkffkfkjfjvkfkfkifififififjfjfjfiidjrjfifjvjjfjfjfjfifjfjfjf

  5. Besides a car fire how often are you going to have a fire in a small container and a exact matching lid to throw over it so you can suffocate a small flame while it's still small enough to even put out. Pretty useless besides keeping it in your trunk for the small chance your engine ever catches fire assuming it's cost effective in all.

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