Victoria 3 Review

Victoria 3 Review

Victoria 3 reviewed on PC by Leana Hafer. Victoria 3 is the kind of game that sucks me in and doesn’t let me go, whether I’m trying …


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  1. Ok, so Generals can be re-assigned, too quickly in fact.
    They can basically teleport across the map into home HQ's or Fronts faster than enemies can deploy to match them.
    Yes Vicky 3 War isn't the main show, but it seems your review team failed to understand how to fully mobilize, deploy and reassign troops.

  2. Looks promising. Judging by what the reviewer said about post-release bugs, though, I'm thinking I'll hold off on buying it until there have been at least a few patches. To be fair to Paradox, though, a game this complex is unlikely to be bug-free on release no matter how far back they push the release date.

  3. The only thing that's turning me off from this game is the combat system. I'd rather control my units than have it done automatically. Other than that it looks like a great game

  4. Still waiting for some content for Ck3 but sure release another unfinished and unpolished game, thanks paradox, maybe the modders can pick up the slack again.

  5. So he doesn’t know how to properly play the war system of the game. The spiffing brit literally used war to make puppets which gave him money. That’s not a negative because he doesn’t know how to play it.

  6. I’m personally not a fan about what they did with warfare. Wars in Vic 2, especially in mp, are a blast. It now seems kinda lazy and laid back in Vic 3.

  7. Literally any review before release date means nothing, it's all just sponsored garbo, wait a few days/weeks for actual reviews lmao

  8. If this is the start point of Vic3, it would be a game that marks a generation. If we look the start point of HOI4, and what it is today, we can expect a lot of this game.

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