IGN: "At Least It's Better Than Forces" | Sonic Frontiers Metacritic Initial Reviews + Shadow Mod!

IGN: "At Least It's Better Than Forces" | Sonic Frontiers Metacritic Initial Reviews + Shadow Mod!

My Main (Non-Sonic) Channel: https://www.youtube.com/PREMulous So Sonic Frontiers is coming out tomorrow and the embargo …


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About the Author: premydaremy


  1. It’s crazy how you resort to having to say things like “hey I don’t like this BUT it doesn’t mean I don’t like all of it” because people are THAT ignorant

  2. I found the game a completely mediocre, for me at least. I haven’t really gotten too deep into the Sonic franchise so I guess that kinda ruined the experience a little.

  3. The game seems great so far but Is plagued by ONE insane design choice. Boosting requires input from the analog stick to move forward. This ruins any SENSE of momentum. Especially in cyber space. This causes sonic to stop on a dime even immediately after a boost pad. Sonic controls basically perfectly minus this. The result of this design choice makes high speed maneuvering feel less “effortless” and overall not as fun to control. In order to not immediately stop, you have hold the trigger and forward at all times. EVEN AFTER IMMEDIATELY HITTING A BOOSTER!? Hopefully (doubtfully) this will be an added setting in a patch.

  4. The Gameplay is better than Breath of the Wild and much more to do than the empty fields of that game… I think it's the story and the understandable distrust of Sonic after the 💩 that was Sonic Forces holding the reviews back.

    I can agree that this is the best Sonic gameplay but it's not the best story… SA2 is still better.

  5. At the end of the day, it's all opinions. And in my opinion this is genuinely a good game. A good sonic game. That is my personal opinion. And everyone else's opinions are indeed valid. But I personally will be enjoying this game as I think it has almost everything I could had wanted. Hopefully everyone enjoys the game to some degree because I know I'll be loving it.

  6. So far it has a slightly lower score than Colors Ultimate, which is absolutely baffling, I mean, I don't think Frontiers is a 9 neither, a 75+ would be a more fair score, but what surprises me the most is so far Frontiers has two scores on the very low end in red color while Colors Ultimate doesn't have any despite its big technical flaws on launch.

  7. I kinda don’t want frontiers to be above 75, Sega and Sonic Team need to learn if they want a highly rated game, being lazy and reusing assets and level design is not the way to go.

  8. Not too surprised, I don't think the game is bad but a 7 to 7.5 seemed realistic. At least The Defense Squad will stop calling you negative for thinking it won't score higher

  9. The pop in doesn't bother me but if they had fixed that and had say 8 Cyberspace level themes instead of 4 the game probably would have got similar review scores to Mania. Probably still not as high but close.

    Also an idea for the next 3D game: What if Cyberspace levels run on Adventure 2's engine or even Mania's engine? So you have a mix of modern 3D Sonic, sprite based Sonic and even Dreamcast Sonic?

  10. Ehh ign is ign they’ll always be bitter to Sonic while they give Cod 95 a 100 or fifa a 100 like usual same goes for kingdom hearts may I remind you. The xehanort fiasco. There unreliable when it comes to Sonic of course there still gonna give a masterpiece a shit review there ign. They don’t care. They just want money.

  11. SEGA! think of those who have to wait till Christmas to play the full game! Release a demo PLZ! I don’t fucking care if it’s a time demo! Not just in Japan, but the whole fucking world! I’m getting sick of this bullshit of them not releasing a demo! And whenever we do get a demo! I want to motherfucking demo, a free demo! One that you can play without having to purchase the game! I swear to god if there’s no fucking demo tomorrow I’m gonna be so fucking pissed! We all know Santa Claus is gonna give us, but till then I’d really like a demo so I can get used to the games mechanics! Not to mention try it out before you get the game on Christmas Day! We got a sonic generations, demo All-Stars racing demo, A sonic lost world demo! Hell we’ve got a demo for Sonic Forces which is only Japanese making an unfair for those Who want to play it early! We even got sonic 4 demos for ep 1&2! Sega please release the demo make it public! Because it those who want to get the game on Christmas I have to wait if they already put it on their Christmas list! For the love of God give us a public demo for Jesus fucking Christ sake! Think about the kids who have to wait! I still want to experience a little bit of it even before Christmas! 🤬😭

  12. I would like to punch the guy who gave this a 20. For comparison, thats like… Big Rigs Racing Tier bad. Hell nah. This aint no Big Rigs.

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