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About the Author: Internet Anarchist


  1. Im a bit older and watch the majority of content on my TV set. I cannot comment and unbox therapy was a channel I used to watch on my TV. I wonder how many people my age are doing the same thing.

  2. I like lew and will and Mo and those guys, but something is obviously going on over there.
    For a while, the vast majority of their videos are just sponsorships, so after a while people aren’t going to show up for commercials. The poor view to comment ratio (which I’ve def notified) is for sure hurting them in the algorithm, causing a further death spiral. Hope everyone over there ends up OK

  3. i used to watch unbox therapy every video since the iphone 6s stuffs. and then when the pixel 2 or 3 came out? it was with a huge huge bathtub notch, a even bigger notch than the iphoneX at the time.
    he was shitting on the notch alot at a previous iphoneX video, but at the pixel video, he was praising it alot and pretending the notch wasn't there. very biased

    and also another controversy is him stealing the pitaka phone case design?
    and then shipping it as his own.
    yea i stopped watching him ever since

  4. really?? kanye in the back 😡😡🤬🤬i cant believe this do you know what he said and did??!! u should do research 😠😠😠 i will unsubscribe and NEVER watch any of this cruddy videos sunny v2 wannabe 🤮

  5. For me it was when he lied about the headphones and then I checked flossy and flossy said it was trash lolol

  6. I have seen ads of Unbox therapy videos on multiple apps. So I think there is the possibility of them getting views by advertising their videos on apps.

  7. Seen this happen to accounts on a few platforms before, they get big doing something that eventually falls out of popularity and they convince themselves it's "just a phase and it'll come back" so they need to keep up appearances until the golden goose starts laying its eggs again.

  8. Funny thing, NordVPN is also a potential danger to security and privacy due to being owned by the same company as SurfShark and several others. You can search up the controversy, as i only wrote a brief summary.

  9. I used to love his channel. Upon making a new channel for when I moved go Japan, I went to subscribe to people I watched. I found Lews channel again, and felt like every video was just a tacky product review with a biased script. I hadn't seen him in ages as I guess YouTube stopped showing his video in my sub feed due to not being interested in the content. I was disappointed by the vibes his channel gave off nowadays.

  10. I was never a big fan of unbox therapy, but I am an avid watcher of LaterClips tbh.. They’re “reviewing” different daily stories and articles now and I really enjoy it. It’s such an easy watch; chill and kinda funny too

  11. I started checking his subscriber count two years ago… Back then, it was 18.2 million subs…. Till date, it's still the same. Really got me thinking. Natural growth is slower but always continuous…. Just saying.

  12. 100% should have went with the JCS comment… His channel has been nerfed and there's basically an entire industry piggy-backing off his ground work. Unbox therapy is trash

  13. I’m not subscribed to unbox therapy but I still get recommended damn near every video they post regardless of me almost never watching any of them.

  14. I mean it's possible he's getting views from discord embeds, but I know I can't watch a video longer than a couple of minutes without just going to the YouTube page itself. The tiny preview + the fact that it moves every time someone messages drives me nuts and gets really distracting. Maybe that's just me though.

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