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About the Author: Smart Glasses Hub


  1. Ehrlich gesagt gehΓΆren die Erfinder dieses GerΓ€tes verklagt schaut euch mal an wie viele Menschen sich dabei schwer verletzt haben aber da geht wohl das Kapital vor anstatt die Sicherheit des Menschen .

  2. I dont understand how they play Walk The Plank (or any game) and point themselves towards the tv?? Ive never pointed myself (on purpose) towards the tv or close to it because it .. doesnt make sense πŸ€” regular people πŸ₯² I definitely laughed my ass off at this vid not even half way through πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

  3. Tech companies- People are sheep and will want the latest thing.
    Also tech companies- People are idiots, let's blindfold them and then they'll destroy their tech and buy more πŸ˜‚

  4. For Starters it's mostly people doing a bad job setting up the Guardian Wall, and failing to inform fam and friends to Stay in that wall. Still funny tho lol

  5. alright, I'm not letting anyone near my new vr I just got. I don't need to see anyone launching themselves in a tv or a wall and break my headset.

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