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About the Author: IGN


  1. Honestly shut up about his personality and his violence if Deadpool can be funny but also a thing of destruction than Marcus can be too so shut up

  2. Shoutout to who made this game me being a San Francisco bay area native it just soooo satisfying seein this game and I definitely just downloaded it recently it still holds up years later 🌁💪🏾

  3. Its one of the prettiest worlds ubisoft has created. My ps4 didn’t gave it justice. Thank you Epic Games for giving me a second chance on playing this in pc. Hahaha

  4. Game in a nutshell
    This company has to do something with blume go hack it using ur drone or flying drone or watever its called😂😂
    This is my opinion btw

  5. I AM PREDICTING THIS GAME AS PLAYSTATION PLUS FREE GAME NOVEMBER 2020…Hit like if this got right.. Also comment who is watching after playstation plus revel. Thank you

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