Why Samsung Is Betting on AI for Smartphone Innovation | Tech News Briefing | WSJ

Why Samsung Is Betting on AI for Smartphone Innovation | Tech News Briefing | WSJ

Innovation and new technology are often driving factors to convince customers to upgrade their smartphones. Samsung is looking …


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About the Author: Wall Street Journal


  1. The big difference between Siri etc and this generation isn't the AI algorithms… its the scale of how much data has been processed.

  2. I don't get the point of discussing ICOs or cryptocurrency arbitrage when there's an opportunity to invest in the webcam industry with PapayaHub! It skyrocketed after the pandemic!

  3. Can you maybe decrease the audio dynamic range but increase the overall volume? The audio journal always seems a little quiet compared to other videos on YouTube

  4. Ok he talks a lot but he doesn’t answer the questions!

    Dude, listen to the question carefully! And answer the question! You audience doesn’t need a lecture but rather get answers for the questions!

  5. The reporter was more imaginative and engaging than the dude being interviewed. That guy is clueless. He's just a talking head, regurgitating the same corporate speak he heard at last week's executive meeting. AI will enable people like the reporter to leapfrog toner heads like this tech executive. Who needs a bunch of middle management when creative people can go from idea to product with the help of AI?

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