love that the studio is getting into the 3D printing space! YES!! and shout-out to Overwerk for the iPhone Standby Dock's design too. it was his brainchild and he was also heavily involved in the creation of the video 🙏🏼
3:13 the subscribe button animates when he said subscribe!!!!
What fillimant, exactly, did you use for the croc?
The comment about the support zits is true. You can use different materials to have easier support removal. However, you can also adjust the air gap or how close the end of the support is to the model. I got immaculate support removal on an Ender 3 by doing this, but with the Bambu Lab A1 I got lazy and use the settings the designer shared.
Hey guys, how do we get one of our machines in your hands? Love to see your thoughts and what you could make with it!
I swear I can hear Spongebob's walking sound at 6.50. Was that intentional?
"Perfection is earned, not given" so you might want to give the perfectionist of 3D printing nerd Joel, his earnings.
This is all so painfully nerdy
This channel is a gift to us all 🙂↕️🤌
The triple folding phone would be amazing for Pokemon Go when you're playing on multiple phones!
First time watching this channel. Genuine question, who is the guy in white tshirt with red flower? He really looks and sounds like Marcus? Is he is brother?
Heck yeah! Excited to see y’all with the XL & attempting a basketball! Time to print a replacement 🤘
love that the studio is getting into the 3D printing space! YES!!
and shout-out to Overwerk for the iPhone Standby Dock's design too. it was his brainchild and he was also heavily involved in the creation of the video 🙏🏼
3:13 the subscribe button animates when he said subscribe!!!!
What fillimant, exactly, did you use for the croc?
The comment about the support zits is true. You can use different materials to have easier support removal. However, you can also adjust the air gap or how close the end of the support is to the model. I got immaculate support removal on an Ender 3 by doing this, but with the Bambu Lab A1 I got lazy and use the settings the designer shared.
Hey guys, how do we get one of our machines in your hands? Love to see your thoughts and what you could make with it!
I swear I can hear Spongebob's walking sound at 6.50. Was that intentional?
"Perfection is earned, not given" so you might want to give the perfectionist of 3D printing nerd Joel, his earnings.
This is all so painfully nerdy
This channel is a gift to us all 🙂↕️🤌
The triple folding phone would be amazing for Pokemon Go when you're playing on multiple phones!
2:24 he cooked here
First time watching this channel. Genuine question, who is the guy in white tshirt with red flower? He really looks and sounds like Marcus? Is he is brother?
Heck yeah! Excited to see y’all with the XL & attempting a basketball! Time to print a replacement 🤘
The thumbnail changed.. don’t sue
Bro was locked in 4:00
More fred please!!
09:04 Your Eyes are already gone🤣🤣🤣
Just get a Bambu Lab printer and try again.
fred the frog😂
I NEEEDDD a part two with a working basketball
Come on guys guys let's get that 80k likes 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Fun concept for a new series!
3:23 you can increase the z-distance of the support to reduce this issue.
You need to get some water soluble support filament lol
So no one’s gonna talk about the oiiia oiia cat meme that they just put in
More videos like this please!!! Love it!
I want to combine my SE3 and 14 Pro
10:13 Pans like this is why 60fps video is better than 25 and 30 fps video.
Need more 3D printing content!
“Marques has one because he’s Marques” so much aura
this was awesome! a mix of entertainment and educational, while also explaining personal experiences?! And it looks hd af!? damn, props yo!
Congrats on the Prusa XL, and congrats to @Prusa3D For getting it in your hands 😉
Guess he’s not making a version of Fred the frog that is 3 times bigger any sooner.
Three Pixels with different dates…? 😀
"Most unhinged tech"
"This is gonna allow you to be productive in so many ways you probably shouldn't be"
Miles is the Marques we need in this timeline
I love when two of my favourite channels unexpectedly come together and I get to enjoy the outcome! So fun!
Miles being zoned out watching Roblox gameplay brainrot was hilarious
Screw bambu's anti-consumer, anti-competitive practices, yay Prusa!
You guys should try out a bambu printer
Such a waste of time and money doing these things, talking about them and doing a video about… So sad…
Honey, look, the kids made a video! It only took five weeks! Adorable.