Reacting to the Nintendo Switch 2!

In this clip, Marques, Andrew, and David talk about the new Nintendo Switch 2 video and discuss the supposed differences …


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About the Author: Waveform Clips


  1. I've had a switch since launch. Never had a joycon drift issue, but at the same time, I used a pro controller when playing more intense games like Smash brothers. I feel like this drift issue has been overblown when it comes to the optics on nintendo, considering other gaming consoles that didn't have hall effect sticks had the very same problem. I don't ever recall anyone talking about stick failures on the PSP back in the day, and I actually had a failure in a PSP.

  2. How r u reacting to the leak after the official announcement has already been out for a week and a half????????? Then u would know about Mario cart 9, mouse feature, mystery “c” button…

  3. They are reporting on this as Switch is a popular “kids” console…but it’s hard to report on something that is already outdated as was the original Switch when released … all switch users go cry to mommy

  4. They spent so much time on other tech since the last Nintendo Launch. They don’t know what they’re talking about. Guys get back to ps5 and Xbox fanboys like you’re use too. Leave this one to us who really play this dang thing. It intrigues me how they thought Nintendo was soooo far behind they can’t believe how much technology they’ve really skipped over. If you ask me, this is the FUTURE of gaming. This is truly something the others can’t do. And it surprises me how Nintendo brought everyone into their world!

  5. This is awkward. They are not informed enough to talk about gaming and consoles. They don’t even know if the video is official or about the new buttons. This feels like they are not excited and just talking about this reluctantly for viewers sake. Just a bunch of very bored dudes talking about stuff they have no idea about.

  6. Nintendo always make a profit on their hardware, the profit margin on the OLED Switch is next to nothing, even today. $399 minimum for Switch 2, could be above that considering a rumour of 2 SKUs one bundled with Mario Kart. (As in could be $500 but comes with Mario Kart to soften the blow)

  7. I feel like people don't realize how bad and how common the Switch joycon drift problem was. All of my thumb sticks drifted after only a year or so of use. They need to fix it on Switch 2 or else it will be a real problem.

  8. Forgot to mention the mouse feature. Also, the games made for the Switch, although some are casual…they still rock some awesome games any gamer would be happy to play.

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