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About the Author: IGN


  1. Thank ps plus im here! This game needs some type of Nemesis system. Explore the world of the warboys/chiefs/warlords like how SOW does w/orcs.

  2. Playing it through PSPlus this week. It's a bit rough-looking, and I can see it getting a little repetitive in the future, but in the short term, it's visceral fun.

  3. Just started playing MM 2 days ago and wow this game is hella fun. It's def. one of the best movie games out there, the movie was great too.

    Graphics, gameplay and the open world are amazing.
    Feels like a serious version of Borderlands.
    The game will shorten my time until Yakuza 6 and GoW comes out this month!

  4. Is there is going to be Mad Max 2, I mean the sequel of this game. The first one was awesome and I think it can be better so if they make another one they can make a beatificual game. 😀 references

  5. I’m glad this game has been chosen for ps plus free game of the month. It’s one I’d probably just never get around to playing otherwise, yet now I feel like I can give it a chance.

  6. 4/10 good graphics, bad play control. Boring game. Even the first story level is boring. You're on a guided path. Takes no skill or strategy to play. If you want to play a good wasteland game get Fallout 4. I give Fallout 4 10/10.

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