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About the Author: IGN


  1. Great, another game that looks and plays like it's from a bygone era. Why not just go the whole retro hog with these games and make them so that they take half an hour to load?

  2. Best free game eva. I dont understand why they give scores like 8.9…just give it a 9 what compels them to drop or add scores by a tenth. Its kinda hilarious. Imo it should either be # or #.5 no inbetweens that just makes it confusing and dumb

  3. Best free game eva. I dont understand why they give scores like 8.9…just give it a 9 what compels them to drop or add scores by a tenth. Its kinda hilarious. Imo it should either be # or #.5 no inbetweens that just makes it confusing and dumb

  4. Oh well… points down because it does not have online multilayer, which would make it hold the interest solvingly longer. If you have people who you can play with, at a games room at work, at school, or if you are a child, this is OK , IF you're not hardcore gamer kid or CS kid. .If you are an adult used to gaming with friends online, don't buy

  5. I'd disagree with anyone saying "this game got a better rating than _!?" the rating is a measure of how much fun the player had with the game. To compare it to another game of another genre is not really a fair comparison; different bars need to be set for different play styles. For example, while a racing simulator needs to get nearly everything exactly true to the original, an arcade racer has but one goal: be fun. So in the end, unless the game you're comparing it to also falls under this specific category of games, it isn't really a good test to compare them side by side and their scores. Of course, that is no excuse for a not-fun game to get a good score, but you shouldn't compare two separate things with separate intents.

  6. Look, you all can have your own opinions about this game but me and 4 other friends sat down and played this game not knowing really what it was (free on ps plus) and had TONS of fun. we played for hours straight and were just screaming the whole time. It was the most ive had playing a competitive multiplayer game with friends in a LONG time. This game isn't meant to have online play its meant to be played with other people screaming next to you and looser passing the controller to the next person to play a match.

  7. IMO this game is great even in single player I had some pretty awesome gameplay. I have literally raged over this game but at the same time when you get the 3 in a row kill shot it makes all worth while. People do not give the PS4 a chance to grow. It has been 7 months since the release of the PS4, already people are wanting Infamous: Second son to be a free PS+ game. Guy's you have to think Sony cannot just give AAA titles away right out of the gate. You need to appreciate Sony for what they are doing PS+ is the besting gaming service you can ask for so for ex: You just bought Watch Dogs for PS4 on June 30, 2014….the VERY next day you get another $25-30 dollars of games for free. How is that a loss? Their is a reason PS4 is the greatest console, the PSN is the greatest place to play. Sony keep doing what you are doing, to the people who are bitching about the FREE games. Be grateful you are even getting a thing, if you do not like PS+ unsubscribe from it.

  8. i wish it had a story, but i got it and played it and didn't really like it but seeing it in action again im going to go play it right now 

  9. Love this little game with friends. Maybe someday the big developers will remember that couch co-op and multiplayer is some of the most fun you can have gaming. I love my single player adventures and online FPSs, but I'll take friends in the same room playing something simple and fun like this or even Kung Foot in Rayman over their big gaming brothers any day.

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