iPhone 7 Review: 4 Months Later!

Thoughts on Apple’s latest flagship smartphone! Marble iPhone skin: https://dbrand.com/iphone-skins First iPhone 7 Impressions: https://youtu.be/uVRcbo9_OdA …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. is this the same size as the 5s? Ive got small hands and hate large phones that i have to use two hands to operate damn crap!.

  2. Can you make a video describing how the portrait mode works and how the phone knows where the objects are and how far away are they !?

  3. Its a good phone overall, you want a phone that you can still handle and text with one hand and the iPhone 7 isn't too big and it isn't too small either, compared to the iPhone 7 plus for ex. which is just a massive clown like phone.

  4. I’ve had a couple friends tell me not to use fingerprint scanners. They said if your phone is hacked, and your password stolen, then you can change your password, but you can’t change your fingerprint. Is that a legitimate concern? Can someone really hack my phone, steal my fingerprints, then somehow use it to get into other devices, Or anything else protected by my fingerprint for the rest of my life? It’s so fast and convenient, but the hit me scared ha ha.

  5. I have an iPhone 7 Plus Matte Black and after 5 months I started noticing micro scratches at the back and specially ALOT of scratches on the antenna bands. The iPhone 7/ 7 Plus is water resistant, not waterproof.

  6. Hey MKBHD… I'm thinking of switching from Android to Apple. I'm thinking of the 7 plus or the 8 plus (coming from a note 5). Based on my research, there are 4 main differences between the two… Wireless charging, true tone display, neural engine and portrait lighting. In your professional opinion, if I were to get the 7 plus, are the differences that much of a big deal? Will these things lessen my experience with the 7 plus?

  7. i think an iphone7's design is just more simple then android and easier to use and with more omfort it lacks availible files like how windows allowes any software while ios is strict about the files downloaded

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