The Truth About Colored Smartphones!

The full story of colored smartphones and why they exist. The alt OnePlus Colors video: iPhone X colors rumors: …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. Hey marques…. I really want you to review about the IMAX camera they use to make movies! How does it all work and all the high end editing softwares! May be compare the best one?

  2. A ? by any other color would still smell awesome.
    Ty you for your insight into colored phones. Everybody's gotta have different colors to satisfy their inner spirit.?

  3. can we take a moment and consider the fact that people are apparently asking for reviews of a color? "Look at this red phone. I like it because it's red. Red is a bright, vibrant color so that is why I like it. I also like it because it's different from other colors like, for example, black and white." – 1 million views

  4. I mean it also helps the content creators on gaining views. So its a win-win situation. Companies benefit, reviewers benefit.

  5. Coming from product engineer. Managing variants in any product is a big deal!!! lot of work goes into variant management, not only we develop tools (mech and IT tools) to manufacturer , we also have to develop/use many IT tools to manage these variants throughout the entire product lifecycle (development, manf, production, service) , may not be much in case of phones but its totally bonkers in something like a CAR

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