A game priced this low should get these nit picks overlooked.
If its an Asian game or Anime, it always receives a low rating. If its more western and Comic based like Injustice then it gets a high review? Lol
Is this the guy from ACG Reviews?
Waiting for the PC release, gonna pre-order for sure
Great game. Unfair review
Its not yakooza? its pronounced yuk-uza
Soon on Pc !!!
After watching this..I can see why people don't respect IGN
witch yakuza should I play first on pc? Yakuza Kiwami or Yakuza 0
My Yakuza experience is "Brawler" style to crush generic goons (98% of fights) and other 2% are boss fights using "Rush/Brawler" styles. Other styles were not needed. Story is good, but extremely long-winded. Overall good game, better than part 6.
Short? I spent over 30 hours without trying. For this type of game thats a good lenght… wtf
I'm definitely getting this
I've always wanted to get into the Yakuza series but I always wanted to play them in order. Looks like I'll be buying this which is 30% off on the playstation store
Why does everyone mispronounce Yakuza? Yakooza?
This was one of of not the best game I played
How do you play the game for 30+ hours and presumebly the rest of the series and still not know how to pronounce "Kazuma Kiryu?"
I've only played this One. And One of the Series on the ps3. ** Don't remember which One it was** . But i remember all the hours spending with this Game on the ps2. My Brother bought me this Game back at that time on the ps2. And Today i bought this Version for ps4 Steelbook Edition in Germany. Haven't played it yet. But i'm gonna play it in a few hours. I CAN'T WAIT!!! But i have One question… is this the only Game of the Series in which you have to take care of that little girl?! I can't remember her name…
Sry for my bad english…
Is this a remastered game??
but in this yakuza you cant play as Majima?
Can anybody tell me.. that this is remake version? Coz if this a remake from first yakuza then i dont hv to buy ps2 to play the first yakuza
so Kiwami is Yakuza 6?
Can't you at least try to research how to pronounce the Japanese words and names a little better?
Got it for 15 euro on the ps store definitely worth it
i had no idea they were even remaking this game
I cringed at the way he pronounced Yakuza
Anyone else? IGN is just TRASH with pronouncing Japanese names, remember when they reviewed Naruto? Got almost every single character's name wrong ?
Kiwami looks way better than most ps3 games
This game was amazing. Also, "Short length"? I'm clocking in at 30 hours and still haven't finished the game, this crazy game length expectations by reviewers really need to end. Less is more. I''d rather play a slighty shorter game than a really long game that has me grind for hours.
Idk anything about the yakuza series but i,ve seen some reviews and it calls my interest , i think ill buy this from amazon im, it is ok to start the story with this one ? I mean is this the first one remastered? Sorry for bad english
Can I play this without playing zero???
camera zooms
I'm thinking about getting into the series yep the gameplay is similar to The Warriors remember that game 2005 people
I'm thinking of buying but idk if it's worth it help me lmaooo
what is the name of the track?
The bio shock series just doesn’t do anything for me, and many others, but by most they are called amazing games. However I love the Yakuza series. I think some games are just either “love it” or “hate it” and I don’t think yakuza was for this reviewer
Is it just me that finds this game absolutely stressful with op characters
can i play this first before 0?
Looks like IGN didn't get any payola so they can't love this game like No Man's Sky…
This game basically got an 8 and still your tears fill a lake I don't get it
7.9? Cmon IGN…
Literally the first words In this review were spoilers
this have English audio?
So when it comes to story timeline, this the Yakuza 1? after the previous release Yakuza 0?
Playing rite now at the funeral scene got this game for 20 bucks with steel case and love it and u should also play yazuka dead souls
Game is pretty corny.
Anything less than a 8 and im rioting
Edit: Im rioting
Should I buy Yakuza Kiwami?
too many great games and not enough time to play them all
Its 35 euros (42 dollars) over here. Maybe a bit too much for a shortened Yakuza 0 duplicate?
I give this a 10 out of 10. Vast improvement over the original. Plus, I was just playing the original on PS2 right around the time Sega announced the remaster and holy crap it blew my mind at the thought of it. When I got it everything about it looked and felt better immediately when playing. The load times were a huge problem on the original PS2 version, but not anymore as they're non existent. Smooth 60 fps too. Great story and improved combat etc etc. Buy this game it's worth every penny.
A game priced this low should get these nit picks overlooked.
If its an Asian game or Anime, it always receives a low rating. If its more western and Comic based like Injustice then it gets a high review? Lol
Is this the guy from ACG Reviews?
Waiting for the PC release, gonna pre-order for sure
Great game. Unfair review
Its not yakooza? its pronounced yuk-uza
Soon on Pc !!!
After watching this..I can see why people don't respect IGN
witch yakuza should I play first on pc? Yakuza Kiwami or Yakuza 0
My Yakuza experience is "Brawler" style to crush generic goons (98% of fights) and other 2% are boss fights using "Rush/Brawler" styles. Other styles were not needed.
Story is good, but extremely long-winded.
Overall good game, better than part 6.
Short? I spent over 30 hours without trying. For this type of game thats a good lenght… wtf
I'm definitely getting this
I've always wanted to get into the Yakuza series but I always wanted to play them in order. Looks like I'll be buying this which is 30% off on the playstation store
Why does everyone mispronounce Yakuza? Yakooza?
This was one of of not the best game I played
How do you play the game for 30+ hours and presumebly the rest of the series and still not know how to pronounce "Kazuma Kiryu?"
I've only played this One. And One of the Series on the ps3. ** Don't remember which One it was** .
But i remember all the hours spending with this Game on the ps2. My Brother bought me this Game back at that time on the ps2. And Today i bought this Version for ps4 Steelbook Edition in Germany. Haven't played it yet. But i'm gonna play it in a few hours. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
But i have One question… is this the only Game of the Series in which you have to take care of that little girl?! I can't remember her name…
Sry for my bad english…
Is this a remastered game??
but in this yakuza you cant play as Majima?
Can anybody tell me.. that this is remake version? Coz if this a remake from first yakuza then i dont hv to buy ps2 to play the first yakuza
so Kiwami is Yakuza 6?
Can't you at least try to research how to pronounce the Japanese words and names a little better?
Got it for 15 euro on the ps store definitely worth it
i had no idea they were even remaking this game
I cringed at the way he pronounced Yakuza
Anyone else? IGN is just TRASH with pronouncing Japanese names, remember when they reviewed Naruto? Got almost every single character's name wrong ?
Kiwami looks way better than most ps3 games
This game was amazing.
Also, "Short length"? I'm clocking in at 30 hours and still haven't finished the game, this crazy game length expectations by reviewers really need to end. Less is more. I''d rather play a slighty shorter game than a really long game that has me grind for hours.
Idk anything about the yakuza series but i,ve seen some reviews and it calls my interest , i think ill buy this from amazon im, it is ok to start the story with this one ? I mean is this the first one remastered? Sorry for bad english
Can I play this without playing zero???
camera zooms
I'm thinking about getting into the series yep the gameplay is similar to The Warriors remember that game 2005 people
I'm thinking of buying but idk if it's worth it help me lmaooo
what is the name of the track?
The bio shock series just doesn’t do anything for me, and many others, but by most they are called amazing games. However I love the Yakuza series. I think some games are just either “love it” or “hate it” and I don’t think yakuza was for this reviewer
Is it just me that finds this game absolutely stressful with op characters
can i play this first before 0?
Looks like IGN didn't get any payola so they can't love this game like No Man's Sky…
This game basically got an 8 and still your tears fill a lake I don't get it
7.9? Cmon IGN…
Literally the first words In this review were spoilers
this have English audio?
So when it comes to story timeline, this the Yakuza 1? after the previous release Yakuza 0?
Playing rite now at the funeral scene got this game for 20 bucks with steel case and love it and u should also play yazuka dead souls
Game is pretty corny.
Anything less than a 8 and im rioting
Edit: Im rioting
Should I buy Yakuza Kiwami?
too many great games and not enough time to play them all
Its 35 euros (42 dollars) over here. Maybe a bit too much for a shortened Yakuza 0 duplicate?
I give this a 10 out of 10. Vast improvement over the original. Plus, I was just playing the original on PS2 right around the time Sega announced the remaster and holy crap it blew my mind at the thought of it. When I got it everything about it looked and felt better immediately when playing. The load times were a huge problem on the original PS2 version, but not anymore as they're non existent. Smooth 60 fps too. Great story and improved combat etc etc. Buy this game it's worth every penny.