Cyberpunk 2077 VR! (Virtual Reality!)

Talking about Cyberpunk 2077’s VR Potential, Cyberpunk VR games from the past like BladeRunner Memory Lab + Technolust, How it is a Cyberpunk Genres …


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About the Author: TheNeonArcade


  1. After the gameplay trailer dropped, I heared so many people say "Imagine playing this on VR". I definitely agree on that, it would make the game ten times more immersive than it already is. But like you said, right now it's not really worth to get into. It's still a niche product and the production costs probably outweigh the profits at the moment.

    If the technology gets a few more years of proper development and if it becomes more affordable, games like Cyberpunk and the gaming industry in general will definitely profit a lot from that.

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