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About the Author: IGN


  1. I just wished Sony got in it some more exciting features like scanlines and maybe a museum. Scanlines for games of that era on modern Tvs Is a no brainer, you have to have them.. so sad..

  2. This is a PlayStation CLASSIC all the complaints and arguments about using the original controller and not the dual shock ITS THE ORIGINAL CONTROLLER hence why it's a "PLAYSTATION CLASSIC"

  3. All I wanted was mgs. I love that game and now that my PS3 dosent work and for some reason its gone from the vita store I can't play it. The fact that it came with the controller with no sticks didn't bother me. Then I remembered that the no stick controller has no rumble. I'm done Sony.

  4. kinda funny how everyone was like oh it be awesome if N64 mini classic comes out and be a mini console war lmao ps1 can’t even compete with the mini N.E.S.

  5. they keep complaining about not having the duel shock controller none of these games where able to use the duelshock setup thats why they didnt include it you noobs at IGN

  6. Based upon how the controller ports or just USB ports you’d probably just get a PS3 or PS4 USB controller and also you can probably load a hack Program to load a bunch of games that you want to put on there like you can with Nintendo’s classics

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