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About the Author: Bitcoin-Fund-Manager


  1. You are confusing me all times…First you post videos calling for buying Bitcoin like crazy and then you tell all to dump it…so whats your strategy? Are you/your team daytraders and dont have the big picture glasses on or long term investors?

  2. Thanks for your input, good analysis
    Can you please look at $ezoow coin. Interesting project. New exchange coming soon, Beta app release soon, coin burn..everything lined up for this low cap gem to make nice run. thanks

  3. The only real bottom we can predict is 0. It cannot go lower than that. The rest is just the bullshit and fortune telling.
    Cryptos are nothing like a stock. It's just a pure gambling.

  4. Ahhhhh hahaha get fucked u silly scammi g cunt u dont have one clue about reading charts what a ballbag i told u a month ago if u go back in comments 5,300 when u were sayin breakout because of a wick stop stop stop stop u seriously dnt have a clue

  5. The illuminate needed more money after 2008 financial crash and for bailing out wall street and fed, so started bitcoin and took all the money from retail investors in the form of bitcoin and collapsed price back to 0 after 10 years in 2018 . Hit like if you agree

  6. I don't think bots have passed the Turing test yet, just happens many humans are too stupid to understand they're dealing with machines… think some stupid EU officials pretend Italians and other Europeans decide their vote following market trends HAHAHAHAHA.

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