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About the Author: IGN


  1. Unbelievable. Rotten Tomatoes had a section where people could say whether they wanted to see the movie or not. Tons of people went there and said they didn't want to watch it (for various reasons). Totally legitimate, and precisely what it was designed for. But Disney/Marvel start dishonestly calling it "review-bombing", cos they don't want it to sink at the box office, and simple-minded entertainment media nitwits just follow along with that line blindly. I honestly didn't care about this movie, and I may well have gone to see it just to catch the Infinity War tie-ins, but now I hope it absolutely crashes and burns. #CorruptMedia #Censorship

  2. The Rotten Tomatoes Pre-Release feature was there to show you "WHO WANTS TO SEE" Its not a review feature its to show who would be interested in watching it. People are aware that they haven't seen it. Nobody is giving it a bad review it is just voicing their opinion on whether they want to see it or not, Nothing more. Why is it that people who genuinely don't want to see the movie are considered trolls? Brie Larson has said that she doesn't care what white males think because the movie is not made for them, well apparently she does care because now she knows nobody will go see the movie because of what she has said.

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