PROOF that Bitcoin WILL fail!

BEFORE YOU DISLIKE AND FLAME ME… please consider what I have said and really look into it yourself. I already know that some of you will disagree and dislike what I’m saying here. I didn’t make this video because people will like what I’m saying… I made this video so I can look back in the future and know that SOMEBODY told you this information.

Nobody has any clue what will happen to Crypto Currencies in the short term. They could spike up again, crash again… who knows. What I’m talking about in this video is where they are going long term for the reasons I’m showing here. And to be extra clear… I’m referring to the current Crypto’s that already exist today (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Etherium, etc.) I’m not talking about a possible future crypto that’s made and endorsed by some specific nation.

My 5 reasons NOT to own Bitcoin video

Wikipedia Petro (Crypto page)

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About the Author: Edwin the Magic Engineer


  1. Yep ?? BTC is the biggest of Shitcoins, it’s only claim to fame is it was First ?? super slow, super expensive, most Ecco unfriendly coin; guzzling a small countries electricity consumption to mine ? forking here, forking there for selfish profits, totally centralised by a couple of Chinese miners, hackable if you control 51% of mining, no utility, no use case, no value beyond perceived ? it’s dying a slow death ? but surely it is dying, soon to be replaced by the King ?XRP?

  2. First of all make sure you say “I’m not a financial advisor” This guy is an idiot!? Bakkt, Fidelity, NASDAQ, TD America, Russia, Australia, Jamaica. Get out here you fool you have no idea what you are talking about. I’m saving this video. I’ll show it to my friends in 2021??

  3. OK, still buying don't care. We understand and you don't regarding how bitcoin will indeed change the world of buying, selling, and becoming our own banks. What do you believe the Dollar is back by??? Do you think it's real? Do you believe that we can keep printing, increasing debt, and every dollar comes with a debt so you can never be free of debt! Not true of bitcoin, basic economics all fiats fail and this one is no different. It already is cracking, and if you can use bitcoin with no inflation, no debt interest, etc. than it can change the world. It is mined which cost money to do, it's rare, it has name recognition, and people will believe in it when they see the current system doesn't work

  4. So , they're not going to adapt any current crypto because a small group of investors are going to become rich. I've never heard anything more ridiculous in all my life. How about the early investors of the internet ? How about Amazon ? Did somebody say not to let those investors make any money because they didn't do any work ? A handful of people are going to become wealthy , big deal. Is that a rational reason not to adopt a potential cryptocurrency ? Look man , if you were late getting on the boat is one thing , but to shoot horseshit like you did in this video brings no value at all to the table.

  5. Hey Edwin, I like your videos, but this ones way off, story dude, but you have missed what crypto space is really about. More research if you want to pursue this area, this is mostly mis information…. keep doing what you do though!

  6. Really?? Well, Fidelity doesn’t think so, the ICE doesn’t think so. And to the point of nation adoption…. that’s the whole point of decentralization. Bitcoin/won’t go away unless all the nations/ the whole world agrees it’s bad, if there is no consensus on it, it will always have a place of value for those who believe it has value. Let’s also not forget the possibility as a hedge to the failing fiat system, especially the INEVITABLE destruction of paper money that’s just being endlessly printed and causing inflation.

    True that BTC core code is open source but it’s also ingrained into BTC, BC SV/Bc cash we’re btc forks- literally it’s code and everyone knows that they aren’t the core or real btc.

    Certain crypto will have value based on real world application such as VeChain (BaaS) which is solving the issue of counterfeiting

  7. Your points are only valid if crypto is not ever adopted as a means of exchange. Once it is adopted on a mass scale, and the price of cryptos are eventually stabilized, then can governments start to invest. Your points are only valid in times of extreme volatility.

  8. You are sceptical like most people, but thats the risk people buying crypto take, yes it's a gamble. Noone known which crypto will be mass adopted, 99% will fail but 1% will succeed.

  9. Here it comes… Bitcoin going to zero vids we all know to love when we are getting closer to bottom. Exciting times… this happens every cycle. We're still here making money and 4k away from zero.

  10. Let me start by saying I'm not a bitcoin investor I'm a trader so I make money if the price goes up or goes down. So what you are saying is the Venezuelan people who are subject to a failed government currency are going to just trust the government to make a successful cryptocurrency? Doesn't make much sense to me. Also people who invest in bitcoin early should be rewarded accordingly they are taking on tremendous risk holding something as highly volatile and new as crypto.

  11. Bitcoin buy orders are record high in Venezuela and the government now allows it after theirs failed. I also think you need to look into crypto and block-chain it more.

  12. The Idea is to have a private currency not corrupted by any government. Then you have cryptocurrencies that serve different purposes that will advance technology. What you are saying is the same thing they said about Microsoft in the 80s, Ebay in the 90s and Goggle and Netflix. Unless we enter a new dark age this is the future entangled with AI, VR, AR and DNA based tech. Don't sit around and wait get in early and diversify your portfolio.

  13. I have to completely disagree. Also you used Venezuela as an example. News coming out of Venezuela indicate that the government is now supporting Bitcoin, and Litecoin payments. This will happen through the launch of a government-backed crypto-currency remittance platform known as the “Remesas” platform. The Petro example you used is controlled and centralized. It didn't work. Would you make a video in 2 or 3 years saying you were wrong about crypto currencies??

  14. Great Video, but i believe it is not so much about largescale adoption, it is just about use cases, and the trust people put in it as a store of value. Former professional poker player Doug Polk had a use case, he played in different places all around the world, with buy-ins ranging from 50k dollars to 1 million dollars, and the casinos want cash upfront, in foreign currencies when in foreign nations. At least you can plan ahead for the buy-ins, but what if you win big and get a huge pile of cash somewhere in Asia or Europe. Transporting cash is not possible, doing this through the banking system is a hassle and/or not possible or not convenient, so he was an early adopter and used crypto and local middlemen to move the cash around.

    In those cases where centralized banks and centralized architectures of trust and verification work nicely, you have no use case for blockchain or crypto. But some use cases work best if you just pick an existing cryptocurrency, one where the swings will not be too fast, one that is so big that your own actions will not cause a swing, one that works. So i think some big ones will stay around. The small/new ones tend to argue that they have new technology, allowing potential use cases that the old technology does not support, and that will fail if it does not pan out.

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