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About the Author: Laymen Gaming


  1. Well we will see cuz this is generally how Mad Max was viewed when it came out, and that game was amazing imo. So im hoping this will be a similar experience.

  2. Let's go, let's play, ….. politics..oh that's not the lyrics either is it. Just wanted to assume something's wrong because everything offends me.

  3. The gruff white male protagonists thing is real tho. Ur not minorities so I don’t think u should be making fun of it. It’s a fact that other races have been under-represented in gaming.

  4. Let me say that THAT TOO MUCH makes me buy the game. Thank u for telling abt that.also if they to remove the wall havk outline of enemies and other pins I will definitely buy 2 times

  5. The main character does look like the most basic character I've ever seen. Every time I see him I can feel myself guessing every thing about him.

  6. The petrol tank seriously only lasts 5 fucking minutes?!
    Why would anyone think that was a good idea?

    Watching it tick down 1% every few seconds really made me not want to bother with this game.
    Mechanics like that are just transparently there to stretch the gameplay time.

  7. I understand and can agree with everything except that this should be a zombie game. ..because what Zombie games is like this ? Also, the gameplay to the “The Last Of US” is Amazing. Even mentioning the few who disliked the gameplay is absurd. Back to Days Gone..I believe after an update or a few, Days Gone will have all these problems fixed. It will be a classic soon enough. Possibly a Best seller.

  8. Haha, I wish Sam would stop trying to analyze games like Ralph does. Ralph is obviously a gamer while Sam represents the casual gamer, yearly-FIFA buying player out there. Sam tries to make comments about something being "more of the same" and then has to fend of Ralph as Ralph tries to correct him without simply telling him to be quiet, heh. The important point isn't that the game is "more of the same" it's that this is a single player game with a new IP in a world where new IP are hard to find and where Live Services are spreading like mold across Sam's undergarments. He makes some great memes, though, credit where credit is due.

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