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About the Author: ACG


  1. Played it for 15 hours and it's a pretty good game, some female "journalists" got TRIGGERED because Deacon is:

    1) Manly 2) White 3) Straight 4) Stares at his girl's butt and she flirts with him via dirty jokes

    Days Gone feels like an 8/10, it's not a "super impressive" openworld game cause it came after RDR2. The "5'" and "6" scores from incompetent women aren't justified

  2. Overall I think it's a great game with some tweaking needed. I agree with the pros and cons listed in the above video for sure.

    The graphics and the exploration of the world itself is perfect. Attention to details like weather, day/night, tending to your bike and gear while collecting/forging for items is great. I love the idea of gaining trust within various camps. Be another element you could add is upgrade band build defense for towns to protect from attacks. Have a population meter to maintain in each town could be another gameplay eiement. The bike idea is amazing and it handles great and makes you really think about traveling a little more in depth.

    I think they could tone it down a little on the amount of gas you have to look for and items. I find I spend too much gametime looking.

    I think the gunplay is lacking as well. Just doesn't feel powerful or effective. The aiming system is hard to use and I feel everything is going left when in ADS, the enemies should come straight at you and use your adereline time slow sight mode more often to thin out hordes to make the fighting more interactive and immersive. Increase the adrenaline more and stamina slightly overall.The guns and aiming are so ineffective I found myself using melee weapons and Molotov instead.

    Really great game overall which I found took some ideas from horizon zero dawn and the last of use and then a little of their own creativity mixed in to create a unique stand alone zombie apocalypse world explorer I have always wanted.

  3. I Played for a few hours and I have to say that the Batman vision , mission objective markers and minimap indicators are ruining an otherwise great experience . I think I will wait until the summer for the Survival Mode to arrive so that I can play this game properly , I wish devs will add an option to remove mini map, focus vision , fast travel and mini map separately . Assassins Creed Odyssey did a great job allowing players to disable mission objective markers (Exploration vs guided mode).

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