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About the Author: IGN


  1. When cap went to "peggy time" he didn't create an alternate timeline, an alternate time line is only created when you take out an infinity stone from the past. So cap grew old in "our" timeline.

  2. Thanks for making this video… those are exactly the questions i‘ve been asking myself. Time travel doesn‘t make sense and I actually hate that they introduced into the MCU…

    They have the Technology and practically unlimited pym particles since they can always get new ones.

    So now they could go an collect 100 infinity stones… and create a whole setpiece for every avenger with 18 infinity stones in it. Who would ever be able to stop them? Logic? Haha reality can be whatever they want

  3. So what it means is that every time the altered time the created a new time line it's dragon ball z time rules(cell saga)

  4. Wouldn’t there still be a Steve Rogers left in the ice considering at that our Steve went back but would that mean they’d still search for the Steve that is still frozen or would they forget about him

  5. Explain this. it takes place FIVE YEARS AFTER THE SNAP. And we have peter in Homecoming, he’s a soughmore than which translates to grade ten, so two years later is infinity right? So his a senior, 17 or 18. Than he’s dusted, but everyone that was dusted is brought back at the exact moment they disappeared as if the five years didn’t happen. SO WHY IS PETER GOING TO SCHOOL AT THE END OF THE MOVIE HIS CLASS SHOULD BE LONG GRADUATED BY THAN. And the way Ned reacted when he saw peter he clearly didn’t dust so he’d be in his early 20s but peters still 17/18 SO THEY SHOULD NOT BE IN SCHOOL, FAR FROM HOME IS IRRELEVANT

  6. I feel so sorry for Nebula. They mention Hawkeye getting the baseball glove and THEY FORGOT THAT 2023 NEBULA KILLED 2018 NEBULA!

  7. Everything is so simple no need to make it more confusing …Cap went back in time lived secretly with Peggy told her everything and they made sure not to interfere with the flow of things …with his current memory he grew old and knew where they will be in 2023 and waited for them on the bench with Another shield Howard Stark must have made for him through Peggy Carter …great movie of our generation let's smile and move on

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