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About the Author: Wall Street Journal


  1. 4. Cops don't ticket drivers who violate right-of-way laws.
    5. Ditto for not using turn signals.
    6. Intentional violence and intimidation.
    In my town, we've had a sharp increase in the number of 1st degree murder convictions for folks intentionally hitting pedestrians.
    Intimidation rising too. I see it all the time against pedestrians when they have clear right-of-way at crosswalks and intersection, but when they try it against the old and disabled, my blood boils. Seen dudes keep pushing their car inches from an old lady's walker just to force her into crossing a second or two faster. You didn't call yourself a man if you did that 10 years ago. Times are changing.

  2. In Oregon it's legal for pedestrians to always have the right of way. But there are issues, 1. People cross the street from behind bushes without pausing. 2. People walk into a row of cars in a tight knit pattern (but the car in front obscures the car's behind view). 3. Cars have headlights at night and pedestrians where all black. 4. What if there was a type of car that didn't have to stop to cross 4 way intersections (like a bus) but you have to watch out for them even though the stop sign is 12 feet behind the intersection, obscuring your view of oncoming traffic.

  3. While smartphones caused traffic fatalities are on the rise; alcohol and DUIs still rank at the top causes!!!!! And morons want to legalize marijuana for recreation? Just imagine the spike up in these senseless injuries or deaths?

  4. Gee, I wish someone would invent a car that would avoid pedestrians without driver input! Hmmm…..
    And if such a person suggested that it's all possible right now, they wouldn't be called PT Barnum, a huckster, a fraud. And if such a thing and person existed, financial news media would be attentive, and forward thinking on such a crazy idea ?

  5. When I cross the road, I am watching the cars that can potentially kill me. I cannot stand it when a pedestrian walks in front of my vehicle, without looking. People clearly think nothing bad will EVER happen.

  6. Had a idoit walk right out in front of me while riding my bike they guy never looked up from his phone. Also when it's dark out were black so no one can see you.

  7. Two years ago my husband & I were crossing at a corner with a light at noon in a small, sleepy OK town. We walked after the walking sign turned on. We were 1/3 of the way across the street when a large pickup truck came careening around the corner toward us and stopped literally six inches from me. Had the truck hit us, we would have been dead! We had a few things on our side. 1. The driver was 20 years old and had quick reflexes 2. The truck was new and had good brakes 3. The weather was sunny and clear. 4. The driver had not been drinking. 5. None of us were using our cell phones. It was such a close call. I shook for 5 minutes after we continued across the street.

  8. It can never be as high as it is in Russia tho. With all my love to country, drivers just don't respect pedestrians.
    So I never feel safe walking the crosswalk.

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