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About the Author: IGN


  1. For all who are wondering. Yea the Devs are big monster hunter fans. They even modeled some gear from MH. Embermane is Rathalos. Boreus is Nergigante gear. Look at the armor in game and you will see.

  2. It's like monster hunter but more cartoonish..I would like it more if it had different classes like wizard,elf,dwarf,etc maybe you can tame a few have it open can have a area for PvP for prizes etc

  3. I have played this about 400 hours:
    Optimization is disgraceful at this level of quality.
    The character creation is quite limited and most options don't even look pleasing.
    Early quests don't properly explain on what exactly to do.
    Progression is pretty quick and replay-ability for the weak behemoths fade away quickly as they have no use for gear.
    The UI is garbage and always buggy.
    Getting a team takes a while, end up being alone in the lobby thanks to people leaving, you can't leave either, die, win or alt+f4.
    Sovereign's throne got straight up deleted "a badly running and buggy map for the introduction of koshai"
    The maps themselves are quite lonely, occasional goats intentionally blocking your way.

    I'd like to play it when that nightmare up there is fixed.

  4. I have tried Dauntless since Alpha and it's gone through changes but one thing still remains the same. It's Soulless and a low tier MHW. It's free so give it a try but you'll be bored of it pretty quickly if you're a MHW vet.

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